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luv basketball !!!!
hey , hey ! lame da ta bcerita at cnie an ? huhu . eyh , na ctew nie . baru baru nie an , saie pegi hk basket

kat SESMA . bez gler ase . bese la , fes tyme pegi hk .hikhik .kteowg dok at sane 5 arie dr arie rabu cmpy
la arie ahad . rindu glerr tyme hk arie tuw taw . law bole , na putar alek mase nie g tyme hk arie tuw .

 byk glerr kngn manis tyme uw taw ! tp ade kngn pahit gak . huhu . erm , kami dpt no 3 aw mase hk 

arie tuw . dpt la jgak medal . tuw la medal fes intek dpt tyme hk . merase la jgak medal hk . hikhikhik

 . tp yg paling tale lupe tyme jari kak jay patah . bkn patah sbnanye cume tulang teralih jep . mule 

mule tgok tgn dye mcam pth cbb nye da bengkok glerr tp juz tulang teralih jep . alhamdulillah laa ta 

ptah . wisaw glerr tgok dy arie tuw . tp hk taon nie mmg best gler glerr !! na tyme hk uw balek . erm ,

 cmpy cnie jep laa ek . 6t saie ctew ag k .

daaaa . . . . . .

Posted at 17:44 | 0 comments


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